Want to Participate in The Next Chapter?

Our Soul Coaching journey is now complete. If you're travelling through the book on your own, please feel free to visit the posts below for inspiration and encouragement

If you're interested in participating in future sessions of The Next Chapter, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter and you'll be among the first to get the details!

I'm looking forward to sharing more adventures with you.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quest: Beyond the 28 Days

Brian Swimme on Being Authentic

What a joy it was to visit everyone's blogs yesterday as we began the process of closing the circle. This has been a very special time with an extraordinary group. We are all changed for having shared this adventure. This journey has been a blessing. Each of you is a blessing.

As we close our circle, Denise invites us to embark on a Quest. Through the elements of air, water, fire and earth, we have cleared and cleansed and emptied our hearts into the words and pictures we've shared with each other. Now is the time to give ourselves the opportunity to hear the voice of our hearts, our spirits and the Universe. Now is the time to listen.

And I invite you to take this last day to celebrate your self, to acknowledge what you've learned or how you've shown up or what you've taken a stand for. You are here on the final day for a reason. And without doubt part of that reason is to celebrate! Share whatever stirs inside you, waiting to be said, any last words that will bring closure.

You are beautiful, my friends.



Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day 28: A Circle of Love

Today is the last official day of the Soul Coaching Program, and it closes so fittingly with a circle of love. Over the past month we have built such a circle, a circle of powerful, sensitive, creative souls dancing together, shifting inside and out. I have felt the love every day. I know that each of us is different for having experienced this month and for sharing it with each other. Each of us is richer because each of us was here.

Let's take today to celebrate this month of Soul Coaching. And tomorrow let's return, sharing and imaging what's next and beyond.

With love,


Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 27: Creating a Fabulous Future

As I thought of what I wanted to say today, I realized it was exactly what Denise started this chapter with:

"You have spent time during this program clearing your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual clutter to make it easier to hear the messages from your soul. Today you have the opportunity to begin to manifest a future that will nourish your soul."

What are you going to plant in the gorgeous earth you've prepared?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 26: A Home for the Soul

photo by Petra

As we approach the end of our month together, it's interesting that we're focusing on a sense of home. Denise says that one of the things the soul needs in a home is a sense of belonging. She identifies that as being connected to a sense of place. I'm hoping that it's also being connected to a sense of space. Cyberspace, that is.
It is my hope that on this journey we've embarked on together, that each and every one of you, whether you have participated for 1 day or ever day, feels like you belong.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 25: Awakening the Natural Forces within You

photo by Megg

So far in Earth Week we've focused on our bodies. Today we broaden our attention to the powers of nature. Denise asks us to take note of our own rhythms, to the rhythms of the natural world around us and to notice the relationship between the two. I know in my life I have been healthiest, happiest and most productive when I have worked with my natural rhythms instead of against them.

What do you know about your natural rhythm?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 24: Using the Physiology of Your Body

The way we carry our bodies tells a story. What story is your body telling today?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 23: Body Detox

I'm so glad that Dawn submitted this photo. It inspired me to think about the relationship between our bodies and nature. In today's context, it was a great reminder that detoxing is a natural process. Our bodies are designed to take in sustenance, to make use of nutrients and then to release whatever we don't use. This is the natural way of things. Supporting our bodies in doing what they are designed to do is a sure way to enhance our energy and our life.

Today as you start releasing toxins, imagine your body filling up with vitality in its stead. You are coming alive!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 22: Connecting with Your Body

Welcome to the first day of Earth Week. We have done the decluttering of Air Week, the cleansing of Water Week and the connecting of Fire week. Now we our grounding. Starting with the intimate relationship we have with our bodies, we will be connecting to our physical environments. May it be a profound exploration to round out our month of Soul Coaching. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 21: Fanning the Flames of Your Creativity

Today is dedicated to experiencing your own creativity. If you're inspired to pull out the paints, pens or charcoal, yay! If you're inspired to sing, recite poetry, dance with abandon, yay! If you're inspired to whip up an extraordinary meal from the palette of your pantry, yay! If you're inspired to create a beautiful vignette by arranging your toiletries anew, yay! Express yourself! Be playful! Be dramatic! Use too many exclamation marks!! Enjoy creative you!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 20: Your Spiritual Allies

photo: Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia, from Maree

Can you believe that we only have 8 more days of Soul Coaching to go? Just 8.

Only 2 more days with the liveliness of fire and then we say hello to the joys of earth. So eat something spicy, flash your warmest grin and smile at the sun. Connect to the fire. We have passed through the toughest of flames with facing our deaths. On the other side we are faced with the heartwarming task of opening our wings and spreading some love.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 19: Facing Your Death / Embracing Your Life

photo from Petra, Kriebels & Krabbels

Last year my husband and I started decided we should really prepare our wills. We thought it would be tough, sad and difficult to talk about. As we sat and went through all that we had and considered all the people that we loved, we were filled with deep sense of gratitude and joy. Creating our wills turned out to be an exercise in appreciation. Who knew?

May you discover some joyful surprises on today's journey.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 18: Being Present / Saying Yes to Life

A Meditation on Being Present
by Virginia Fitton


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 17: Facing the Shadow

Sirens by Leah

I love the way Denise describes our shadow self, "Often we are so disconnected from our darkest inner realms that the only way we can find those parts of ourselves is through 'projections,' which occur when we subconsciously cast our shadow to the world around us and then it reflects us back to us."

So, today is a day of reflections, of shadow watching. See if you can catch, out of the corner of your eye, a glimmer of that self you find hard to accept. It can help to take a rather distant view, let's call it a "detective perspective." Whenever something negative rears its head, simply remark, "Fascinating! I believe that's the sign of a shadow. I must investigate further." And with curiosity and self-love, continue the exploration.

Enjoy the journey.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 16: Taking Risks

The level 1 for today totally rocks. Are you ready for it? Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to have fun! Imagine! What if you gave yourself that assignment every day? What would your life be like? What would be different? Anything?

Denise also recommends that we make take a risk today, do something surprising, make a change. As I read Denise's words, I was reminded of an article I wrote for the Wish Studio Blogzine about changing things up.

Here are some ways to shake things up to wake things up:

  • If you normally don’t, say “hello” first
  • Browse a section of the library or bookstore you’ve never been in
  • Brush your teeth or tie your shoes with your non-dominant hand
  • Change the part in your hair
  • Listen to a different radio station
  • Wear a colour you never wear
  • Order something different
  • Take a new route home
  • Wear that outfit you’ve been saving
  • Dance while you do the dishes

How are you going to play today? What are you going to do to wake up your fiery spirit?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 15: Confronting Fear / Developing Faith

After an emotional week with water, Denise says that fire is about waking up the spirit and that we can do that by moving our bodies. We can shake, wiggle, walk, run, stretch our bodies to clear the space for this new energy. This week, as we gather around the fire and share our stories, let's also take the time to dance.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 14: Releasing Victim Thinking / Choosing Your Life

photo: San Antonio Botanical Gardens, Texas, from Maree

Water week has been a bit tumultuous. It's also been a beauty. We've shared emotional stories and heartfelt comments. We've shared things for which we are grateful, and I believe that stirs positive, healing energy in our lives and in the world.

On our final water day, I encourage you to think about what last thing you'd like to wash away, what you'd like to release to the waves or the rain or the river before moving on to the phase of the journey.

After today, we are halfway through the Soul Coaching program. Congratulations on coming this far. In celebration, Nicole has offered to pull a card from her Soul Coaching deck for you. For details, click here. Thanks, Nicole!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 13: Attitude of Gratitude

picture from Leah

In the spirit of gratitude, I started thinking about all of you. I closed my eyes and imagined a bright light, a sparkle, for each of you. I imagined a silver, shining cord connecting us in a circle and then another connecting each of us to every other other.

We have created something magical together, a unique constellation of spirits. And for that, I am deeply grateful.

How beautiful that that we will share our gratitudes today. Imagine the energy of that!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 12: Being Still / Doing Nothing

Photo by Shannon

Ooh, I have a sense that many of us are ready for some stillness. I know sometimes the journey has been intense, and I've been reading some discussions about what it's like to try and keep up or what it feels like to miss a day or 3 or 9.

I want to reassure you that there's no right way. I invite you wash away all the shoulds, put down any rules that are holding you tight and telling you what to do, especially the really, really familiar ones.
It's okay to stop. It's okay to do Day 2 on Day 10. It's okay to read along and not post. It's okay to never comment. It's okay to comment twice. It's okay to not read every blog. It's okay to read the day's affirmation and skip the rest. It's okay to only ever do Level 1. It's okay to work through the book again later. It's okay to immerse yourself and do it all. It's okay to dive in where you are.

What else is okay?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 11: Exploring Your Relationships

photo from Gemma

When we started Soul Coaching, a couple of people mentioned to me that Denise had accompanying audio that you could download and listen to for each day. Unfortunately, at that time, they were not available. Guess what? They are now! Thanks, Marilyn, for the info.

You can listen to Denise Linn's Soul Coaching recordings here. May today's meditation support you in exploring your relationships. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 10: What Are Your Energy Zappers and Juicers?

Water week is definitely offering up some emotional responses, isn't it. Remember during this time to drink lots of water. It will support you in processing these emotions and their energy, letting them pass and take with them anything you no longer require. Water is an important part of our system's natural detoxification process.

Today we are paying particular attention to our relationships. As we go through our day, we relate to people, events, activities, our environment and the objects within it. Turn up your energy meter and notice what revs you up and what depletes you. Just increasing your awareness can start things shifting.

What will your energy meter discover?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 9: Examining the Meaning You Give Your Life

photo, Lake Atilan, Guatemala, by Maree

Remember on Day 4 when we explored looking at things with different lenses? Today we get to choose a lens through which to see our life and its stories. Denise points out, "You are constantly giving meaning to events, so why not try to find ones that are empowering and do not cause you stress or anguish?" In this spirit, she invites us to notice the meaning that we give everything today.

And speaking of noticing the meaning, what meaning do you give "the emotions"? As we move into the watery world of feelings, I know many are expecting the arrival of tears. And there will likely be some. But are you also imagining bliss? What about anger? Longing? What is the lens through which you are currently viewing emotion?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 8: The Turning Points

Welcome to Water Week. Let's Invite the new week in by opening our awareness to the water around us and in us. Already in Toronto there has been the promise of rain.

One of the powers of Soul Coaching is that each of these elemental explorations is approached on both a practical and a spiritual level. During Air Week, we cleared our clutter and stirred our souls. During water week, some of the activities Denise recommends are:
  • Explore your emotional life
  • Cleanse your house, office and car
  • Evaluate your relationships
  • Communicate from your heart, especially the things that you have been afraid to say
  • Embrace your childlike wonder
  • Follow your intuition
  • Bathe, shower, soak - cleanse your body

What a beautiful range there will be to explore!

Today we start by examining the turning points in our life. As you write your post, imagine us all gathering round in a circle, sharing our stories and starting this beautiful new phase of the adventure.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 7: Exploring Your Soul Mission

photo by Jamie

Today is about exploring your soul mission. In the letter Denise writes us at the beginning of the chapter, she mentions 2 things that are really important about today's tasks:
  1. "Today is exciting because you have the opportunity to begin to create a mission statement for your soul." (emphasis mine)

  2. "It is also a day to begin to watch for signs and secret messages from the universe."

So, why highlight these 2 pieces? First, I want to remind you that you don't have to figure it all out today. (Of course, if you do, that's totally awesome) Just get curious, start exploring and see what you discover. Second, the universe is in this with you. A big part of this week has been opening up your awareness. The universe is having a conversation with you all the time. Today is an opportunity to listen.

And know that whether you are conscious of it or not, you are on your path. It's just that as you get clearer, the ride gets smoother.

Thank you to Air

And so we bid farewell to our week with air. May its blessings and teachings stay with you. Congratulations on all that you have learned, done and shared. You are doing great!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 6: Lightening Up

Collage by Turtleheart

Yesterday I had the sensation that things were getting lighter, and then I opened up the book for today and what's the chapter? Lightening up! I hope you're starting to feel some airy lightness too.

Reading today's intro, I was struck by this, "In Tibetan Buddhism, it is believed that when you organize and clear your physical environment, then "drala" (or magic) can enter your life." (page 62)

I really believe that's what we've all been doing this week - making space to let magic in - and the magic is stirring! I feel it as I read each of your beautiful, sensitive, honest posts and your generous, loving, encouraging comments. There is magic here.

In that spirit, I offer an additional affirmation for this next day of clutter clearing:

I am making room for magic!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 5: Clutter ~ Energy Up/Energy Down

from Suzie

In the last chapter, Denise explains how the lens we look through affects what we see. Yesterday I observed an event that illustrates the power of the lens.

The subway. A group of 13-year-old boys noisily enter the train. An older man reaches for his bag, which takes up the seat beside him. For a moment it looks like he's going to lift it so that one of the boys can sit down. What actually happens is he hugs it tightly to his side, protective.

At the same time, a young woman looks to the seat beside her and notices a few little pieces of paper left on the seat. These scraps are not hers, but she picks them up to make room for a boy. And when she does, she notices the paper is neatly folded and says "Open me." She opens this little note, and whatever is inside makes her smile.

What lens are you going to wear today?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 4: Where Are You Now?

Isle of Cumbrae in Scotland, July 2008

I just laughed when I read the beginning of today's chapter, "By this time you should be noticing old stuff/patterns/recurring blockages coming to the surface." Sound familiar? From the posts I read yesterday, I'd guess that's a yes!

And the synchronicities continue. The metaphor that Denise uses as she encourages us to simply observe what comes up is that of an eagle overhead. When I read this, I'd already prepped this wonderful picture from Maree. These aren't eagles but they are certainly flying high enough to have a beautiful perspective of what's passing below. And they are flying together - as are we.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 3: Clearing Clutter

"There is clarity within me and around me." (page 43)

It's amazing to feel the energy that's being created and released by this group. I know some people are having a hard time. Some people are stuffed up, some are having challenges with their breathing. Some people have had a rough couple of days. It's almost like we've stirred up the dust and that can cause some challenges. And in the midst of that, we're reaching out and sharing, we're being inspired by each other's stories, we're changing our own stories. We're reassuring each other with reminders to be gentle, to go at our own pace, that where we are is just right. We're cheering each other on and making each other smile. Can you feel the power in that?

When I studied Reiki, one of the masters I encountered suggested that when an old pattern or an old hurt showed up, it was clearing. She'd just look at it and say, "Oh, look, there it goes" and then she'd release it to the wind.

May the air clear away the dust.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 2: Making a Commitment

Today's Affirmation: I honour my commitments to myself and others.

Welcome to Day 2 of Air Week. Today is about making a commitment to change your life. Many of you have probably read this quote, today seemed like just the right day to share it:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw
back– Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary
truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the
moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of
things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole
stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of
unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could
have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do,
begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” -

What are you going to commit to today?

And as we are paying attention to air this week, I thought I would share with you what I noticed in the air outside my house in the video above. What are you noticing about the air?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 1: Life Assessment

picture from Petra of Kriebels & Krabbels
taken in Bieslandsepolder, Zuid-Holland in October 2005

Welcome to Air Week

"This is a time to take an assessment of your life; clear out personal, environmental and business clutter; discern your commitments; and begin to understand your inner rules and beliefs."
Soul Coaching, page 20

Remember, you don't have to do it all in one day and you're not in this alone! For the next 7 days, the book will offer tasks that will help you move forward and each day you can check in here and see how everyone else is doing.

Now is the time to pay attention to the air around you. Yesterday Romana shared one way to celebrate air: breathe deeply. Each morning open your window or step outside and take a moment to connect with the air. Pay attention as you inhale and release. Notice the temperature of the air on your skin. Notice any stirrings in the breeze. Feel free to share your air noticings.

Air is associated with the mind. It's a great time to fill the air with music you love and your mind with words that inspire you. Denise recommends a media cleanse this week to clear your mind of advertising and negative news. Read some more recommendations for air week on Page 19.

What will you do to connect with the air?

Day 1

As we enter our first day of tasks, we choose our level of participation (level 1, level 2 or level 3). Whichever you decide, share your experience on your blog and add a direct link below so that we can visit and learn what Day 1 activities were like for you.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Beginning!

Welcome to the first day of
The Next Chapter: Soul Coaching.

It has finally arrived! The magic of Soul Coaching begins today.

Today is the day to share your preparations, your thoughts on the introduction, your feelings about starting the Soul Coaching journey. It's a great day to share your altar or your intentions for the month or the contract that you may have made with yourself. Today is the day to begin.

This is also a great day to create a connection with others on the Soul Coaching journey. We have a big, beautiful group from around the world. Take some time to visit each other's blogs and introduce yourselves. November will be even more magical if we take the time to create our circle by reaching out to one another and connecting. We are in this together.

Every day I'm going to create a post introducing the day's journey and providing a space where you can share a direct link to your post on the topic. Below you'll see a place to share your direct link to your blog post about preparations.

Let the magic begin!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Q and A

We're just about a week away from starting Soul Coaching! It's wonderful to see the excitement building. I just know we're going to have a rockin' November!

As we come up to the beginning, I thought I'd make a space to answer any questions you might have. If there's something you want to ask, please leave a comment and I'll be happy to answer as best I can right here.

Questions & Answers

  1. Can I still join in? Absolutely. Just click here and leave a comment with your name and a link to your blog.

  2. Is there anything I can or should do before we begin? Click here for things you can do to prepare for our month of Soul Coaching.

  3. What's the time commitment each day? It's up to you. The book provides 3 different levels of activity each day, the smallest taking as little as 15 minutes. Remember, this is meant to support you. You get to make the rules. Even setting the intention to make change in your life will start things shifting.

  4. Did you use 2 journals? When I worked through Soul Coaching on my own, I used one journal. In fact, I simply used my current journal because I prefer to keep everything.
  5. I did have a query re. time zones though. I'm in Australia so my November 1st starts in six hours so I'll be more or less a day ahead. Will that be okay, Jamie? Absolutely. I'll have a post for each day. Each of these will have a way for you to add a direct link to your post for that day's exploration. That way it should be easy for us to connect to everyone's post on a particular topic. It's so exciting that we have people participating all over the world. Even though we are separated by time and space, we'll be able to connect here, which is awesome!
  6. I may be late sometimes, is it okay? Absolutely. Be gentle with yourself, and simply do the best you can. If you miss a day, you can choose to catch up and add your link to that day's post on this site or you can just jump back in where we are. As Denise says, "It is important to remind yourself that the goal of this program is personal growth, not just completing all the assignments...Trust that changes are occurring on a deep level." Whatever supports you is perfect.

Monday, October 20, 2008


We're almost there! In less than 2 weeks we'll start blogging our way through Soul Coaching by Denise Linn.


If you've arrived here for the first time or have been lurking and wondering whether to participate, there's still time to join in. Just leave a comment here with your name and a link to your blog and I will add you to the list of participants.

Blogging the Experience

Each day I will post here about the day's focus. On that post, you will be able to share a direct link to your post on that topic. That way it should be easy for all of us to come explore each other's thoughts and reactions to a particular day's task. You can share as much or as little as you like of your experience on your blog.

Soul Coaching is a 28-day process but we will be using each of the 30 days in November to write about it.
  • November 1: Post your response to the introduction or to any of the preparations you decided to do (see below) or what you hope to get out of the experience, whatever you need to start you off.
  • November 2: Day 1 of Soul Coaching
  • November 3: Day 2 of Soul Coaching...
  • November 30: Wrap up.
NaBloPoMo: For anyone who wants to participate in National Blog Posting Month, this should give you a great structure to have something to post every day! To sign up for NaBloPoMo, click here, click on Blogrolls, click on November, and follow the instructions. There are prizes to be won over there if you truly do participate every day. I've also set up a Soul Coaching group over there.

Possible Preparations before November 1

I know many of you are raring to go and if you look at the intro, there are a few things you can do before November 1.

1. Get a journal (page 14, Denise actually recommends you use 2)

  • You can finally use that pretty journal that's been waiting on your shelf
  • You can pick up something inexpensive at the dollar store and find a creative way to make it your own
  • You can simply use your blog as your journal as you share the journey with each of us.
  • It's up to you

2. Make a sacred contract (page 16)

  • Denise suggests we make a contract with ourselves affirming our intention for the 28 days of the program. Maybe this will be something you'll want to share on November 1.

3. Create an altar (page 17)

  • Denise also recommends that you create a sacred space in your home prior to the beginning of the program. It does not have to be religious in nature. "It can be a highly personal representation of what is most important to you - your hopes and dreams and what you hold sacred." A photo of your altar would be an awesome thing to share on November 1!

Air Photos

The first week of Soul Coaching is Air Week - Clearing Your Mental Self. For each of the 7 air posts that will appear on this blog, I would love to share a participant's picture. If you would like to share a photo, please send it to me at starshyne(at)openthedoor(dot)ca. I will have room to share 7.


Please post any questions you may have in the comment section and I will respond to them as best I can.

And in the meantime...

If you're aching for more, you can listen to Denise's most recent radio program at Hay House radio here.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Welcome to the first ever The Next Chapter blog group. You are invited to join this journey through the wonderful Denise Linn's Soul Coaching, 28 Days to Discover Your Authentic Self. We will be starting November 1, 2008.

About The Next Chapter

The concept behind a book-blogging group is that a community of bloggers work their way through a book, sharing their experiences by posting on their own blog and by reading what other participants are sharing. You can choose to share as much or as little as you like.

We're starting out with Soul Coaching and my hope is that we will such a magnificent time full of connection and growth that The Next Chapter will become a regular place to blog through books on various creative and self-development topics.

About Our First Book: Soul Coaching by Denise Linn

From the dust jacket:

"Soul Coaching is a 4-week program dedicated to an in-depth clearing and
cleansing of the differents aspect of your life: mental, emotional, physical and
spiritual. By following the practical, carefully crafted steps presented here,
you'll find that you're able to uncover your authentic self.

This book is for you if you want to know:

  • who you are
  • why you're here
  • what your mission is"
For more about Denise Linn, click here.

To Join In:

  • Leave a comment on this post with your name, your blog's name and your blog address, and I will add you to the blogroll of participants. (If I've already put you on the blogroll and you'd rather be called by your first name or by your blog name just let me know and I'll change it)
  • You will need a copy of the book. You may get it from your library or you can purchase it here in Canada and here in the US .
  • You will need a blog. If you don't have one yet, you can set one up quickly and for free on Blogger.
  • You might also want a journal, to have somewhere private to record your thoughts and feelings.
Soul Coaching is a 28-day process. You can start reading from the beginning to chapter 1 (up to page 18) as soon as you get the book. There are some preparations Denise recommends, so go ahead and do anything that appeals to you. We'll use November 1 to write about our experience of the introduction and preparations. And we'll use November 30 to wrap up and write about the final chapter, Quest. This means Soul Coaching will in fact be a 30-day adventure in November.
We're running at the same time as NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month. So, if you want to participate in that, this group will provide you with something to write about every day! If that commitment seems too intense, don't worry. Soul Coaching is a gentle process with options for more or less participation. You are always at the helm of deciding how much or how little you want to do.

A Note about Time: I see some people are wondering whether they will have time to participate. Every day there are suggestions for 3 levels of participation. Level 1 is as little as 15 minutes. It's really about bringing what you can and being gentle with yourself. If you miss a day, that's okay. If something doesn't appeal to you, that's okay too. You can continue where you are or go back to something you missed. Whatever doesn't serve you, let it go.

This Blog

This blog will host the blog roll of participants. It will be our homebase and I will post a little something every day to keep the energy going. I will be sharing my own personal explorations through the book on my blog, Starshyne Productions.

Your Photos

Soul Coaching takes us through a week of air, fire, water and earth. I would love to post a photo each day as inspiration. If you'd like to share a photo on one of the elements, please send it to thenextchapter at openthedoor dot ca. Please include your name, your blog address and the element. (Note: only participants' photos will be posted)


Put a badge on your blog to share that you're participating and to encourage others to join in. Thank you Suzie for creating these beauties. (If you need help with coding, send me an email and I'll send you the code)


I'm looking forward to blogging through Soul Coaching with you!