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Our Soul Coaching journey is now complete. If you're travelling through the book on your own, please feel free to visit the posts below for inspiration and encouragement

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 6: Lightening Up

Collage by Turtleheart

Yesterday I had the sensation that things were getting lighter, and then I opened up the book for today and what's the chapter? Lightening up! I hope you're starting to feel some airy lightness too.

Reading today's intro, I was struck by this, "In Tibetan Buddhism, it is believed that when you organize and clear your physical environment, then "drala" (or magic) can enter your life." (page 62)

I really believe that's what we've all been doing this week - making space to let magic in - and the magic is stirring! I feel it as I read each of your beautiful, sensitive, honest posts and your generous, loving, encouraging comments. There is magic here.

In that spirit, I offer an additional affirmation for this next day of clutter clearing:

I am making room for magic!


Turtleheart said...

Good Morning, beautiful group! After an energy way down kind of evening yesterday, I am opening myself up to this new day and the new energy it brings. Hope you all have a good day!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

I love the collage - and I just figured out how to get in touch with Turtleheart.

Romana Mirza said...

I love that you've posted the daily affirmations on the side bar on this web page. I'm missing today's. I need only to check in on the webpage to remember the affirmation of the day - can you make this a consistent feature on this site?

Sherrie St. Cyr said...

I'm feeling very blessed to be part of this community! Reading your posts, looking at your art, and savoring your comments supports me in doing the work I was SO ready to do. Thank you all!

Claudia said...

It´s lovely to see how these exercises are moving everyone.

Anonymous said...

loving this journey! I spent so much time on decluttering that I'm going to have to work on Day 6 today as well.
*hugs to everyone

Mjfontaine said...

Hello Everyone...

When I could not get the book I went to the Soul Coaching audio page somebody recommended,and I have been using the recordings till I get my book. Anyway the link was not working so I contacted Denise Linn's webpage expecting a message from her 'people' but she replied herself we were able to sort out the audio situation and the I told her we were doing the group, and she posted the following.

"Huge Blessings and love back to you!!!!!!! (and to the 20 splendid beings that are doing the program online!1)


I am breathing and exhaling and clearing my mind as stuff is coming up .

Blessing to you all....
ps turtleheart can I be included on your list.


Anonymous said...

Jamie, I loved your prompt this morning. Very very good. You got everyone Up!!

Lisa said...

Feeling groovy. I think things are moving.

Aurora said...

hi well I am rather frozen--today I am determined to spend some time de-cluttering my room today...seems rather pointless since I am pac king it all up again to move soon. I don't think it has todo with clearing clutte or anything but I spent most of yesterday crying--maybe de-cluttering the sadness from my soul?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous collage Turtleheart! I love the angel wings....very good imagery as my soul feels lifted and soaring today.

Suzie Ridler said...

Beautiful collage Turtleheart! I love it!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie for leading the group and Thank you turtleheart for the beautiful artwork!

I am so glad to be part of this group.

Judi said...

I think that I may have gone a bit fey in my post for today.

Kate I said...

Hello everyone...I'm off to check out everyone's posts...what an intense (but fulfilling) week this has been for me!

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I love your affirmation. I will definitely repeat that today!