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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 8: The Turning Points

Welcome to Water Week. Let's Invite the new week in by opening our awareness to the water around us and in us. Already in Toronto there has been the promise of rain.

One of the powers of Soul Coaching is that each of these elemental explorations is approached on both a practical and a spiritual level. During Air Week, we cleared our clutter and stirred our souls. During water week, some of the activities Denise recommends are:
  • Explore your emotional life
  • Cleanse your house, office and car
  • Evaluate your relationships
  • Communicate from your heart, especially the things that you have been afraid to say
  • Embrace your childlike wonder
  • Follow your intuition
  • Bathe, shower, soak - cleanse your body

What a beautiful range there will be to explore!

Today we start by examining the turning points in our life. As you write your post, imagine us all gathering round in a circle, sharing our stories and starting this beautiful new phase of the adventure.



Romana Mirza said...

Thank you for the beautiful picture I'm inspired as I begin Water week.

Sherrie St. Cyr said...

In my reading last week, I was given a moving meditation to do, and told to do it in the shower. This week I will be even more conscious of the water element as I meditate.

Judi said...

Water, water every where - please don't let me sink.

Anonymous said...

While emotions always frighten me, I like today's affirmation of knowing that they are not who I am. I will use that to guide me gently through my emotions. I hope everyone will have a gentle and peaceful exploration through our past turning points. Good luck!

Suzie Ridler said...

I'm falling behind but water is all around us in the mist. Good photo ops for this week's element. I love water but feel it's going to be a weepy week.

Danette said...

Big splash into water week.

Old relationships floated up to the surface all around me this morning.

They don't scare me.

donna said...

It is POURING rain here in San Diego! Our first real rain in months.

Wow, welcome to water week, indeed! ;^)

Serena Lewis said...

i could be in for an emotional week. i think it's timely that my past relationships were the two main turning points in my life and now, in a current situation (fall out and crap from my first husband's passing), i am still very affected by them. a lot of negative memories and emotions have been getting stirred up.

Sandra said...

whew. that was a hard one.. (this post).. hoping it will be a little easier as we go along :)
speaking of water, have you ever noticed how beautiful a raspberry filled with sparkling water looks? I have always been very grateful for water, but will notice it even more this week.

Anonymous said...

I think we all may need a vacation by the water when this week is through.

Tori said...

I am nervous about this week. I know I'm probably in for some tears. I'm guessing most of us are, though. We can cry together.

Turtleheart said...

Totally emotional day. I've already cried, and it's only day 1 of water week. I may need help staying afloat. Let's all take extra good care of each other this week.

Romana Mirza said...

Serendipity-doo-da! I'm getting strong strong vibes that my intuition really knows my world. I wanted to share this because in the moment it feels like such a blessing, a strong sign of goodness. I booked a total wash and detail of my car on the last day of Water week - without having any idea of where we would be in Soul Coaching. I also booked Reiki Level 1 class on day 21 - the affirmation that day is "Incredible creative life force flows through my entire being" - wow. And Reiki class Level 2 on Day 28 where the affirmation is just as relevant and strong. Incredible.

Anonymous said...

And so I finally made it to Water Week and I'm still a day behind!
Ahhhh...working on catching up!

Aurora said...

well, it rained here to day--go figure! is anyone else feeling like this is ALOT of work? or is this just my resistance rearing tis ugly head?